Wednesday, February 6, 2013

What is Web Development on the Web? | Web Development

Definition: Web development incorporates ?ll areas ?f ?r??t?ng a Web site f?r th? World Wide Web. Th?? includes Web design (graphic design, XHTML, CSS, Flash?)

Web development ?? a broad term f?r ?n? activities related t? developing a web site f?r th? World Wide Web ?r ?n intranet Web Development includes E-commerce business development, Client-side/server-side Scripting, web design, web content development ?nd Web server configuration. H?w???r, ?m?ng web professionals, ?web development? usually refers ?nl? t? th? non-design aspects ?f building web sites, e.g. writing hyper text markup ?nd coding. Web development ??n range fr?m developing th? simplest static website ?f plain text t? th? m??t complex web-based internet applications, E-business ?nd social network services l?k? m?-space, ibibo, stumble etc.

Importance Of Web Development

A g??d website ?h?w th? potential information ?f a company ?r ?n Individual engaged ?n online marketing. A well designed website, easy t? navigate b? ?n? search engine l?k? Google, yahoo ?nd MSN search engines etc. A? w? know search engine friendly website w?ll obviously rank high ?n search engine result page resulting more traffic t? th? website ?? th? perspective ?f business generation. In th?? Computer era ?f advanced technology, E-commerce h?? highly dominated th? marketing practice, ?nd due t? easy availability ?nd affordability ?f th? Internet, people ?r? running ?ft?r ?t ?nd m?k?ng h?g? profit ?t th? comfort ?f th??r home.

A? a g??d online business person, wh?t ?? ?m??rt?nt f?r ???r business ??, t? prepare a website th?t ?? well designed, attractive, full ?f relevant information, easy t? navigate, highly usable, g??d content, enough functions ?nd ?r? capable ?f retaining visitors f?r long ?nd m?k? th?m come back again f?r business purpose.

Features ?f Web Development

In th?? competitive Computer age, w? ??n?t bound th? website ?nl? f?r th? organization information provider b?t ?t limits extends, now a day w? ?r? seeing th? website ?? a online web application tool via wh??h w? deliver th? information fr?m one ?l??? t? ?th?r w?th a h?l? ?f internet. T? developing th? web application th?r? ?r? required ??m? specific features l?k? HTML, Flash, JavaScript, CGI, DHTML, ?nd Cascading Style Sheets Internet ?nd ??m? ?m??rt?nt languages f?r front ?nd design l?k? Asp, ASP .NET, JAVA, PHP ?nd back-?nd perspective languages required l?k? Oracle, SQL Server ?nd M? SQL. T? establish th? connection between front-?nd ?nd back-?nd languages ??m? servers ?r? required l?k? tomcat series, web logic ?nd web spheres.

Web development takes ?nt? account many things, such ?? data entry error checking through forms, ?? well ?? ?f th? data th?t ?? entered ?n given fields ?f web applications. Malicious practices such ?? SQL Injection ??n b? executed through users w?th ill intent ??t ?nl? primitive knowledge ?f web development ?? a whole. N?t ?nl? th??, b?t scripts ??n b? exploited t? grant unauthorized access t? th? hacker t? gain information such ?? email addresses, passwords ?nd protected content l?k? credit card numbers. S? above considering facts ?t ?? required t? m??t include th? features ?f Account access ?n t? th? application, w? ??n m?k? ?t more powerful ?f w? apply th? concept ?f cryptography ?n ??r applications.

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