Sunday, September 16, 2012

Product Creation Tips - Online Business Article Directory


By Maritza Parra

The biggest roadblock I notice about people who want to create information products that pay them over and over again is taking action immediately. You?ve probably hear the saying ?Goals are dreams with Deadlines?. It?s important to put an end date on the product creation process or you could end up tweaking your product for years?

I created Diamond Deadlines to help my students put an end date to the product creation process. A diamond is a piece of coal that has so much pressure put on it that it turns into a diamond. Setting Your Diamond Deadline can help push towards completion of your eBook, Audio, Video, Membership or bundled product. Here are 3 tips for setting and completing your information products using Diamond Deadlines:

1. Dealing with Fear and Procrastination. Identify your top fear and frustration about creating your money-making product. It?s important to shift this fear from blocking you and turn it into an empowering question that will help your mind to actually look for a solution. Turn your fear into a question that begins with one of the following: ?how do I??? ?how can I??? ?how could I???

2. Create Mental and Physical Space. It?s important to make space for creation to occur. Sometimes we become so overscheduled with busy and meaningless activities that keep us from making time for completing big dreams like creating products that could pay you over and over again.

Create mental space by getting rid of some of the activities on your schedule. Reevaluate your friendships. Sometimes we remain friends with people who are unsupportive of your dreams and goals. Ending those friendships can be done in a gradual and graceful way.

Decluttering your physical space is just as important. Get rid of clothes you haven?t worn in one year. Give away books you have already read to someone who could benefit from reading them. Create space for your products to become reality.

3. Set Your Diamond Deadline. Take out your calendar. Set a date to complete your product. An eBook can be completed well within one month. A Video can be recorded, edited and placed online or in a Membership Area very quickly. Then reverse engineer the production of your product by setting smaller Diamond Deadlines so you are turning a large task into smaller, easily reachable goals. The most important thing to remember when setting your Diamond Deadline to complete your product is to honor your self-promises. It may feel uncomfortable at the time, just like the pressure put on a piece of coal, but the reward is a product that can duplicate your efforts and pay you over and over again.

Maritza Parra is a Law of Attraction trainer who shows people how to create more Abundance. Want to attend FREE teleseminars about Law of Attraction and Money? Go to and you will find Internet Marketing Training and Tools for Business Owners who want to Make Money Online.


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